KHARKOV, March 1-15, 2016
V.N.Karazin Kharkov National University organizes the 5-th International Scientific Conference "Tarapov readings".
Previous conferences «Contemporary problems of mathematics, mechanics and computing sciences» Tarapov readings-2008, "Tarapov readings-2011",
"Tarapov readings-2012" and "Tarapov readings-2013" aroused great interest and were very successful. They were attended by more than 1,200 speakers and participants from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Great Britain, France, Germany, the USA, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. The conference book of abstracts and proceedings with full-length conference papers
«Contemporary problems of mathematics, mechanics and computing sciences»,
«Contemporary problems of natural sciences» and «Sovremennyje problemy jestestvennyh nauk» have been published. All the volumes have been registered in a number of scientometric and informetric databases, and indexed in the Google Scholar. The abstracts of the papers have been published in the Russian Reference Journal.
The conference is aimed at exchange the latest results obtained by researchers from different countries in the fields of mathematics, mechanics, computer science, mathematical modeling of the processes and phenomena in the physical, chemical, biological, medical, environmental and
technical systems.
- Algebra and Number Theory
- Biomechanics
- Geoinformatics and ecology
- Geometry
- Differential equations and control theory
- Mechanical Engineering and Materials
- Computing & information technology
- The history of science
- Computer Mechanics
- Mathematical Analysis
- Mathematical Physics
- Mathematical Modeling
- Fracture Mechanics
- Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma
- Nanomechanics, nanophysics and nanotechnology
- Teaching methods and techniques
- Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
- Theory of functions and functional analysis
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian.
The section for young scientists will be organized for the high school students and pupils of secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. All abstracts will be published in indexed in the scientometric databases and regarded as scientific publications.
Scientific Committee :
- Zholtkevich G.M., D.Sc., Professor, Head of Department of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Dean of the Faculty,
- Gandel Yu.V., D.Sc., Professor of Department of Applied Mathematics,
- Gordevskij V.D., D.Sc., Professor of Department of Mathematics,
- Kizilova N.N., D.Sc., Professor of Department of Applied Mathematics,
- Korobov V.I., D.Sc., Professor of Department of Applied Mathematics,
- Lisitsa V.T., PhD, Assoc. Professor, Head of Department of High Mathematics and Informatics,
- Rutkas A.G., ä. ô.-ì. í., D.Sc., Professor of Department of Applied Mathematics,
- Favorov S.Yu., D.Sc., Professor of Department of Mathematics,
- Yamploski À.L., D.Sc., Professor of Department of Applied Mathematics.
Organizing Committee :
- Zholtkevich G.M., D.Sc., Professor, Head of Department of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Dean of the Faculty,
- Kizilova N.N., D.Sc., Professor of Department of Applied Mathematics,
- Kabaljants P.S., PhD, Assoc. Professor of Department of Applied Mathematics,
- Cherevko V.A., Engineer of Department of Applied Mathematics,
Opening of the conference will be held on March 1, 2016. During two weeks, the abstracts and presentations will be open for on-line discussions. The received comments will be placed in chronological order on the web page with the relevant abstracts. The authors will be able to reply to the submitted comments and remarks.
Those who would like to participate in the conference "Contemporary problems of natural sciences" are asked to send before February 20, 2016 to the email address tarapovconf2016@gmail.com the completed
registration form and abstract (1 page A4). You can use the sample articles in Russian and English languages published in the books of abstracts of the previous conferences.
The registration fee 80 UAH. ~ $3.5 covers the publishing costs only. The published Book of Abstracts will be sent to the authors (if required) via the s-mail
and placed on-line for open access and subsequent indexing in the scientometric databases.
The full-text articles prepared by the authors of accepted abstracts will be published after peer review procedure in the journals
-- "Visnyk of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University.
Ser. Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics",
-- "Visnyk of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University.
Ser. Mathematical Modeling.",
-- "Contemporary problems of natural sciences" (papers in English),
-- "Coâðåìåííûå ïðîáëåìû åñòåñòâåííûõ íàóê" (papers in Russian and Ukrainian).
Contact information:
Postal address: 61022 Ukraine, Kharkov, Svobody sq., 4, room 7-31, Organizing Committee of the Conference "Òarapov Readings-2016"
V.N.Karazin Kharkov National University
Tel.: +38 (057) 707 52 87 - Cherevko Vitalina
Tel.: +38 (057) 707 54 68 - Kabaliants Piotr
E-Mail: tarapovconf2016@gmail.com
Web-address: http://theormech.univer.kharkov.ua/DptmEngl/tarap5en.html
1-st call
2-nd call
3-rd call